Country: Norway / others
Review: “Kon-Tiki”, directed by the same duo of "Max Manus"(2008), was the most expensive Norwegian film so far. The plot consists in the voyage planned and made by Thor Heyerdahl (and five more men) in a balsa raft, from Peru to Polynesia, to prove that South Americans could have been the first inhabitants of the latter. A curious detail was that Thor, despite being a courageous sailor, didn’t know how to swim. The highest moments of “Kon-Tiki” were those filled with tension, including shark attacks, a threatening storm and the passage through the Raroia reef. Nothing here was so remarkable or that we haven’t seen before. Feelings only come around in the final scene with a touching letter from Thor’s wife, while the soundtrack reinforced the sense of heroism, in a super-budget film that failed a prominence place among cinematic odysseys.

With all due respect, I think your critics are rubbish. I have seen the movie, and on the contrary to many block busters today where the realism is taken away in order to capture the audience, this movie only uses the sircumstances to captivate the audience. If you expect a fast pace movie, go for something else, but you would like to see the world from a magnificant man, who left a legacy, then the film is more than just a ok final scene. Thanx
ReplyDeleteI have my own opinion about the movie and I won't change it just because you don't agree with me. If everybody liked the same movies, there wouldn't be any sense in writing about them. Thanks for your comment, anyway.
DeleteI agree with your review.
ReplyDeleteAs a Norwegian, it pains me to see such a magnificent expedition of great historical importance turned into some shitty unrealistic action movie. Heyerdahl should consider himself lucky to not have lived long enough to watch this movie.
I hope watching the original documentary will rid the bad taste out of my mouth.
Yes, it was a shame that this movie could not handle such an inspiring story in a better way. I will look for that documentary too. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
DeleteIn my opinion, it is a decent movie. The book is way better, though. The reason this movie is this "doll" is because it is really hard to capture the tention within them. They added some scenes to make it more dramatic, and hope to please the audience. I think it was a well formed film, and don't think they could have made it any "better" without ruining it at the same time, by adding more scenes that step away from what really happend.
ReplyDeleteI understand that with this kind of story is difficult to make a movie bringing something different or new. But I still believe that it could have been better in many aspects.