Country: France
Review: “Something In The Air” is a semi-autobiographical film by the French director Olivier Assayas. The story, set in the turbulent France of the early 70's, focuses on Gilles (Clément Métayer), a young radical high-school boy, whose time is basically spent in riotous student movements, painting, and amorous relationships, which would become meaningful in this crucial phase of his life. Therefore, a big emphasis is given to his early romances with Laure (Carole Combes), an aspiring actress who departed to London to get lost on drugs, and Christine (Lola Créton), his close mate on the revolution that students were trying to carry out. These were not impetuous romances, for sure, but they were depicted with an inherent sensibility and in a non-sorrowful way, which is commendable. Assayas knew what he wanted from the actors, whose expression and characterization reminded me some of the works by Christophe Honoré, but was his confident objectivity behind the camera that made the difference here, even if in some moments the film doesn’t get the appropriate vigor for better serving its intentions. In truth, excepting the fighting scenes between activists and police, the film runs in a passive tone that doesn’t provoke the viewer, making the revolutionary attitude of its characters get a bit lost on the screen. More personal and intellectual than properly striking or bold, this film certainly must have a huge sentimental value for its author, but for me it just became likeable and partly satisfying.